MCO Malaysia Feb. 2021
I am writing this while I am sitting beside my patient here at Beacon Hospital. Yes I'm in the hospital accompanying him, 3 nights in row now. I need to undergo Nasal swab every time I need to go on duty. The feeling is quite uncomfortable. I always cough as soon as they remove the stick in my nose. I got teary eyed as well but i doesn't last long, maybe just only 3-5 minutes of uneasiness. I haven't had a good sleep since I been accompanying him in the hospital. I have a virtual event to settle and some assignments. It shouldn't be hard if he is not hospitalized, well it's part of being a nurse need to adapt well with patients. So we had a virtual event this morning, it is called photo booth competition event. It went well actually, first time to organized a virtual event.
On the other hand, MCO still on here in Malaysia until 18 February. Been waiting for soo long to end this movement order to end. I want to go back really on my routine. I think I am gaining wait also, been jogging on my off days but i still feel like i need some weights. I am soo sleepy right now, and it's 9:30 in the evening. Hopefully my patient will be discharged tomorrow so we can go back to his house which is easier for us to move around.
If you read this, leave a comment please. hahaha
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